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Monday, May 23, 2011

MAC Week 4 - Thinking out loud. Publishing/Leadership Project #2

So I have been giving publishing more thought, and feel as though my AR project better lends itself towards being presented at a conference. Coincidentally I happened to run into my departments director, who started asking me about how things were going with grad school and she then asked me about my AR project. I filled her in on the Publication/Leadership project and a few hours later after she had an opportunity to investigate my AR website we talked more on the phone and was told that presenting at a conference would definitely be an option, she even went on to recommend several conferences to look into as possible places to look into as possibilities for presenting at such as EDUCAUSE, NERCOMP, and CCUMC. I have briefly looked into all three and CCUMC looks like it might be a good fit with my AR project. I am really excited about this prospect. I still need to look into what I would need to do to apply to be a presenter. The conference is in early Oct. in South Padre Island, TX. I think my decision has finally been made, now I just need to get my presentation made.

1 comment:

  1. WOW - What a fortunate encounter! Is this person one of your critical friends? If you complete a Cycle 3, maybe you should consider adding her as a resource!
